Pesti Vigadó

Date: 2021

Culture, Customer portal, Intranet, Liferay

The Pesti Vigadó Nonprofit Ltd. recognized that the existing structure and design of did not meet the expectations and needs of every target audience. In 2021, they turned to the Webtown team to create a modern and user-friendly online interface suitable for showcasing the cultural and tourist services of Pesti Vigadó, as well as providing information about event organization.


The main objective was to create separate pages for various target groups, catering to their unique needs. The revamped structure is divided into sections offering cultural programs, tourist attractions, and event information. With our Liferay-based system and Customer Portal functionality, Pesti Vigadó staff can easily manage and customize content for different target groups, thereby improving the usability of the online interface.


As a result of the collaboration between Pesti Vigadó and Webtown, is now a transparent, functional, and easily navigable online platform that serves the needs of various target groups. Those interested in cultural programs, tourist attractions, and events can access unique, personalized content, enhancing the user experience and increasing portal traffic. 

Our Liferay-based solution provides features to assist Pesti Vigadó in sharing cultural and tourist experiences and facilitating more efficient event organization. Tailored solutions for the cultural sector aim to help Pesti Vigadó increase its online presence and serve a wide range of target audiences.

Pesti Vigadó