NN case study - Group
NN Insurance
NN Insurance is a member of NN Group located in the Netherlands. NN Group is operating in 18 countries and ensuring to reach its goals with the efforts of 12 000 employees worldwide: To provide high-quality products and services for 15 million clients.
The former ING Group was founded in 2003 by the merger of Nationale-Nederlanden and NMB Postbank Group. ING Group was responsible for both the banking and insurance divisions. In 2014 NN decided to continue as an independent insurance company, while ING Group took the banking products and services. Our project was about the renewal of the nn.hu portal.

“Webtown used Liferay to develop the corporate website of NN Hungary. Key features included an investment analysis tool, a sales platform with calculators, internal systems integrations, and a blog. Of course, we’ve had some very tough tasks, and never encountered something that Webtown couldn’t do.”
Before starting the development process of NN’s new platform on the basis of Liferay 6.2 we introduced the agile project methodology through product owner coaching to be fully transparent about how we implement our iterations week by week as a scrum team.