Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office - Group
Hungarian National Food Chain Safety Office
references.detailed.handover-date: 2021
NÉBIH (The National Food Chain Safety Office) is the central government authority responsible for ensuring the safety of the food chain and environmental balance in Hungary. NÉBIH's mission encompasses safeguarding consumer interests, overseeing the safety and quality of the food chain, and providing support and supervision to agricultural producers and businesses in the food industry.
Project and the Identified Issue
The NÉBIH's online portal previously did not comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), posing significant barriers for users with disabilities or various special needs. There was a need for a partner capable of providing a solution for accessibility and making the portal more user-friendly. In this situation, NÉBIH chose the Webtown team, considering their previous successful collaborations and Webtown's expertise in accessible web development.
The solution developed by the Webtown team improved the accessibility and inclusivity of the NÉBIH portal on various fronts. Tasks included setting the appropriate contrast ratio (4.5:1) and aiding visually impaired users in better readability. Additionally, developments were made to enable keyboard navigation of the portal, especially for those facing challenges with mouse usage.
Users can now navigate the NÉBIH portal easily and comfortably, and thanks to the accessibility enhancements, the visually impaired or users with other special needs can effortlessly access information and services.
Developing an accessible portal not only strengthens accessibility and equal opportunities for NÉBIH but also marks a significant step towards social responsibility. The successful collaboration between Webtown and NÉBIH is another instance of how applying IT solutions can effectively address real societal issues.